Legal Weed Explained By Our Lethbridge Budtenders

Our Budtenders at Bridge Bud Supply share all the ins and outs of what to know about legal weed in Lethbridge, Alberta.

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Our Budtenders at Bridge Bud Supply share all the ins and outs of what to know about legal weed in Lethbridge, Alberta.

Did you know that it’s only been a few years since cannabis was made legal in Canada? Recreational use of cannabis was legalized in 2018, leading to a significant boom in the industry. While the landscape has evolved from when cannabis first became legal, there are still so many questions about what exactly is legal weed and what is allowed. While everyone might know that it’s legal — we wanted to provide you with all the essential information you need to know about the legal landscape of cannabis in Lethbridge, Alberta. From the basics of what legal weed entails to where you can buy it, how much you can carry, and even whether you can grow your plants, your buds at Bridge Bud Supply in Lethbridge have all the answers to your legal weed questions. 

What is Legal Weed?

The Government of Canada legalized the recreational use of Cannabis in October 2018. What this means is that since legalization — being able to consume, possess, buy, sell, and grow cannabis has been made legal, as long as it is in accordance with the law and regulations of each province. 

How Old Do You Have to Be to Buy Cannabis in Lethbridge?

If you're 18 or older, you can legally buy, possess, and smoke weed for recreational purposes in all of Lethbridge. Just make sure to bring your ID when you hit up the licensed cannabis stores like Bridge Bud Supply. We have three locations in Lethbridge for you to buy legal weed including our Lethbridge North, Lethbridge South, and Lethbridge West cannabis stores. 

How Much Legal Marijuana Can You Carry in Lethbridge?

The legal limit for carrying cannabis in Lethbridge is 30 grams per person. This includes the maximum allowable amounts for both dried cannabis and cannabis concentrates.

Can I Grow my Own Legal Weed in Lethbridge?

Yes, adults in Lethbridge and in Alberta are allowed to cultivate cannabis plants for personal use. Each household can grow up to four plants for recreational purposes, regardless of the number of individuals living in the residence as long as it is in a private space, away from the view of the public. 

Can I Use Legal Cannabis in Public?

While it's totally fine to enjoy your weed in the comfort of your own home or on private property, toking up in public places is a bit trickier, and it all depends on local bylaws. When it comes to Lethbridge, anywhere you can light up a cigarette—you can light up a joint. This includes walking downtown and public parks, for example. Playgrounds, hospitals property or anywhere near childcare facilities are still a no-go.  If you’re ever unsure—check in with your local regulations here. 

What Legal Cannabis Products Are Available in Lethbridge

If you're in Lethbridge and looking for legal cannabis products, our three cannabis retailers in Lethbridge—North, West, and South—offer a wide variety of options. From flower, cannabis-infused beverages and edibles, pre-rolls, blunts, vape pens, CBD and THC oils, we've got something to suit every preference. 

Beyond our more popular options like the ones listed above, we also offer cannabis-infused bath salts, topicals, and for those who like a little spice in their life—cannabis-infused hot sauce. 

And of course, you can find a selection of cannabis accessories such as grinders, rolling trays, bongs, and pipes to enhance your cannabis sessions, all of which are available at our shop, Bridge Bud Supply in Lethbridge. 

Is Legal Weed Potent?

When you're picking out legal cannabis products, one factor you should consider is potency. We'll be the first to say that this isn't your grandparent's weed anymore. A few decades ago, before it was legalized, cannabis was way less potent because there wasn't much information about it. But now, after legalization, we've all learned a whole lot more about the plant and all of its properties, and cannabis breeders have been refining the strains to make them stronger and stronger.

Back in the day, the THC levels in weed would be around 8-15%, but nowadays you can find strains with THC levels soaring above 30%. So, it's key to keep this in mind and consume responsibly. We recommend figuring out your tolerance threshold and what the desired effects that you're looking for are when shopping for cannabis in Lethbridge or anywhere for that matter! 

Here's the good news, though: since legalization, potency and dosing are now more controlled. The quality and consistency of each product have improved big time, and that includes edibles and infused-goodies, too. With controlled dosing, you're less likely to have one of those couch-melting experiences. If you’re ever unsure if a product is right for you, always be sure to ask a budtender, and to start low, go slow. 

Budget-Friendly Cannabis in Lethbridge

At Bridge Bud Supply, we always strive to provide the best value for our guests. That's why we offer a price-match guarantee to ensure that you get the most competitive prices on cannabis products. If you come across a fantastic deal elsewhere in the area, simply let us know, and we'll match those prices for you. We take pride in being budget-friendly because we believe that everyone deserves access to quality buds, no matter where you are in Alberta.

The Benefits of Legal Weed to The Environment and Beyond 

In addition to being enjoyed by cannabis enthusiasts, the legal cultivation of cannabis also offers several environmental benefits. Cannabis plants have a remarkable ability to remediate soil, which means they can help remove contaminants such as heavy metals and pesticides. To meet regulatory requirements, all inputs that go into the soil, like fertilizer, pest control, and water quality, must be of the highest quality. 

Luckily, Health Canada regulates all of these factors to make sure that harmful chemicals, heavy metals, and pesticides stay out of the cannabis we enjoy. Every grower is required to have their cannabis tested by an independent, certified cannabis testing laboratory. This means that every product comes with a COA (Certificate of Analysis), just like the fruits and veggies you find at the grocery store.

Through testing, we get to know the actual potency of the cannabis we're consuming. This is a big deal because in the unregulated legacy market, cannabis often isn't tested for potency. It's common not to test the weed grown in legacy markets because it's unregulated (and therefore obviously not required) and costs money to do. Because legal weed is tested, the legal market ensures that you know exactly how potent your cannabis is before you indulge.

Legal Weed Recap

To recap, when it comes to legal weed in Lethbridge, Alberta, there are certain rules and regulations to keep in mind. In Alberta, you need to be 18 or older to buy and use cannabis products. It's important to note that smoking or vaping is not allowed in indoor public places, workplaces, and areas where smoking is already prohibited. As always, we suggest starting with a low dosage and taking it slow when trying out any cannabis products to ensure a great experience. Safety first!

Where Can I Buy Legal Weed in Lethbridge?

If you're in Lethbridge and looking to purchase legal weed, visit any of our three convenient locations at Bridge Bud Supply. Drop by our Lethbridge North store situated on St. Edward Boulevard, swing by Lethbridge West conveniently located along University Drive, or check out our Lethbridge South location on Mayor Magrath Drive. No matter which part of the city you're coming from, we’ve got buds for you.

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