How to Choose Cannabis Drinks in Lethbridge North, South, and West

Why are cannabis drinks so popular in Lethbridge? They’re legal, diverse, and perfect for any occasion. Get yours at Bridge Bud Supply today!

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With health-conscious consumers cutting back on their alcohol intake, cannabis drinks are all the rage. Move over, Brewski, there’s a new Buzz in town. 

Having an alcoholic drink in your hand at social events is generally accepted and even encouraged in today’s society. Many people indulge so they don’t feel left out, even though they know how it affects them the next day. Or worse, that same night when you said or did something you wish you could take back.

With weed drinks in Lethbridge, you can join the fun and get buzzed without the side effects of alcohol. But are cannabis drinks legal? How much is too much? Bridge Bud Supply is here to answer all your questions so that you can enjoy weed drinks responsibly.

Are Cannabis Drinks Legal in Alberta?

Yes! In Alberta and across Canada, you are allowed to have up to 48 cans (355 ml each) of cannabis beverages in public for recreational use.1

Be sure to store these drinks in a similar way you would alcohol so that minors can’t get their hands on them because you must be 18 years or older to purchase and consume cannabis drinks in Alberta. 

We have a whole article dedicated to understanding legal weed in Lethbridge that will help clear any concerns you may have. 

How are THC Drinks Different From Smoking Cannabis? 

Once you drink a THC-infused beverage, it can take 15 to 30 minutes to feel the effects. However, like cannabis edibles, it can still take up to two hours before you feel the full sensation. Alternatively, when you smoke or vape cannabis, you feel the effects almost immediately.

The best way to consume your first cannabis drink is slowly. Check in with yourself after 30 minutes to an hour to see how you respond. This is because when you ingest (eat or drink) cannabis, it must first travel to your stomach and then to your liver before getting absorbed into your bloodstream and brain.2 These phases delay the effect’s onset time. 

Smoking or vaping cannabis delivers cannabinoids into your lungs, where it passes directly into your bloodstream and then your brain for almost immediate therapeutic or intoxicating effects.

Are Cannabis Drinks and Edibles the Same?

Cannabis drinks and edibles (chocolates, gummies, and chews) are both infused with cannabis concentrates and are reported to have similar effects in both feeling and duration. 

It’s important to note that most cannabis edibles come in smaller doses. Gummies are commonly sold in four-packs, with each piece containing 2.5 mg of THC for a total of 10 mg of THC.
If you’re unsure how you respond to edibles, you can easily start with one piece and work your way up if you want a more intense experience.

Most cannabis drinks on the market contain 10mg of THC, which is why we recommend consuming slowly or sharing a drink with a friend or two so that you can feel how your body responds after 30 minutes. 

Where Can I Buy Weed Drinks in Lethbridge?

Most licensed cannabis retail stores in Lethbridge carry cannabis-infused drinks. But, if you’re looking for the best deals, visit Bridge Bud Supply in Lethbridge North, South, or West.

With three locations across Lethbridge, we make it easy for you to get the best cannabis products, and if you show us a better deal in the same city, we will match their price!

What are the Best Cannabis Drinks in Lethbridge North, South, and West?

Our answer depends on what you’re looking for. Some cannabis drinks are more intense and more suited for a high-energy party, while others are milder and better for unwinding at the end of a day or a cozy night in. 

Here are our favourites for every occasion.

Best THC-Infused Drinks

Tropical Burst + CBG Carbonated Beverage 355ml is a Hawaiian haymaker of tropical punch and sweet berry flavours. This drink combines THC, CBG, and caffeine to provide a lively cannabis-infused energy drink.

Best CBD-Infused Drinks

 Looking for a chill nightcap? CBD Peach Ginger Green Tea is a must try. Steeping a pot of CBD has become one of our favourite nighttime rituals. It’s ultra-relaxing and puts our minds at ease before hitting the pillow. 

Best Cannabis-Infused Shot

This Lemon THC Beverage Shot 60ml is great for mixing to create your own THC cocktail or drinking straight up. These shots taste great and act fast. You’ll likely feel the effects after 15 minutes, which should last a few hours. 

Discover the Buzz: The Rise of Cannabis Drinks in Lethbridge

As more people are okay with cannabis in social situations, these drinks let you join the fun without the side effects of alcohol. Whether you're sipping on a THC-infused beverage or steeping a pot of CBD tea, there are plenty of choices for any occasion. 

So, here's to raising a glass—high—to the evolving market of cannabis products and the endless possibilities they offer for recreation and relaxation in Lethbridge. Cheers!


  1. Health Canada

Canadian Center on Substance Use and Addiction

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